Постер / Принт
19 мая 2013
“Love him like you love yourself.” Рекламное агентство: Leg, Paris, France Креативный директор: Gabriel Gaultier Арт директор: Sebastien Pierre Копирайтер: Olivier Camensuli Фотограф: Luke Stephenson
Постер / Принт
18 мая 2013
“BRing voice back.” The internet has everyone trapped in its world wide web. We’re so busy trying to connect with our online acquaintances, that we’re disconnecting with those who matter: our family. Our online voice is getting louder and louder. So much so, it beginning to replace our real voice. As a brand that has [...]
Постер / Принт
17 мая 2013
In a little over one century we have already lost half of the tropical forest the world once had. And there are still many countries in which deforestation continues. By purchasing PEFC certified wood products, you contribute to sustainable forest management worldwide. And help countries like Brazil stay nice and green. Рекламное агентство: JWT, Amsterdam, [...]
Постер / Принт
16 мая 2013
Рекламное агентство: DDB, Barcelona, Spain Креативный директор: JosГ© MarГa Roca de Vinyals Креативный директорs: Javier Melendez, Xavi De La Cruz Арт директор: Alba CiГ©rcoles, Elisabet Capdevila Копирайтер: Andres Travi Иллюстратор: Ignasi Font Business Director: Gorka Lozano Account Director: Javier Villalba Account Supervisor: Ester Vall
Постер / Принт
15 мая 2013
Рекламное агентство: Publicis, Brazil Креативный директорs: Hugo Rodrigues, Leo Macias Копирайтер: Guilherme Nesti Арт директорs: Eduardo Pastor, Felipe Drummond Фотограф: Thiago Antonovas Иллюстратор: Leonardo Dolfini Producers: Rita Vilarim, Thiago Loureiro, Emerson Russo Art Buyer: Selma Momosse Account Supervisor: Ana FlГЎvia Back Advertiser’s Supervisors: Stefania Granito, Marcela Iglesias Account Manager: FГЎbio SimГЈo Post Production: Burti Hd [...]
Постер / Принт
14 мая 2013
Рекламное агентство: DDB, Barcelona, Spain Креативный директор: JosГ© MarГa Roca de Vinyals Креативный директор: Guillermo Santaisabel Арт директор: Alvaro Guzman, Daniel Macho Копирайтер: Daniel Rodriguez, Juan Antonio Carrillo Иллюстратор: David De RamГіn (The Mushroom Company) Business Director: Gorka Lozano Account Director: Javier Villalba
Постер / Принт
13 мая 2013
Рекламное агентство: Leo Burnett, Thailand Креативный директор: Sompat Trisadikun Исполнительный Креативный директор: Keeratie Chaimoungkalo Креативный директор: Ariyawat Juntaratip Арт директор: Sarut Yungcharoen, Ariyawat Juntaratip, Sompat Trisadikun Копирайтер: Pathida Akkarajindanon, Fuad Ahmad Account Исполнительный: Sipparee Mongkolsri Agency Producer: Sarawut Lertkittipaporn Фотограф: Chub Nokkaew Ретушь: Chub Nokkaew Computer Artist: Chub Nokkaew
Постер / Принт
12 мая 2013
Brinox, one of Brazil’s largest home appliance manufacturers, surprised Gosto Magazine’s readers in order to demonstrate the high quality of its line of knives. The magazine’s readers are caught by surprise when they turn one of the pages and realize that it is cut in half, implying how sharp the knives are. Even the page [...]
Постер / Принт
11 мая 2013
Brinox, one of Brazil’s largest home appliance manufacturers, surprised Gosto Magazine’s readers in order to demonstrate the high quality of its line of knives. The magazine’s readers are caught by surprise when they turn one of the pages and realize that it is cut in half, implying how sharp the knives are. Even the page [...]
Постер / Принт
10 мая 2013
Рекламное агентство: Breensmith, USA